Sunday, September 10, 2023

Values of Free Expression

Three cases that show what free speech means | ShareAmerica

In studying the Eight Values of Free Expression, I feel that the Marketplace of Free Ideas resonates most with me. Following the rise of social media, the concept of ‘fake news’ or misinformation/disinformation has become a major talking point for those on both sides of the political spectrum. Donald Trump’s 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns featured regular mentions of the ‘fake-news media,’ and I believe that those campaigns gave rise to the increased discussion of fake news and misinformation on social media today. While it is often frustrating to see explicitly incorrect information being posted and shared on social media, I agree with John Milton’s idea, that truth will prevail when pitted against false information. 

Personally, I also believe strongly in the value of Protecting Dissent. As someone who is ‘politically homeless,’ I often feel pressured to align with one political party or the other, but it is my right and responsibility to voice my opinions, regardless of how they may be accepted by others. Granted, the protection of dissent does allow for people with hateful or offensive beliefs to state their opinions, but even those statements should be allowed to ensure we have many of our freedoms as Americans.


If Americans became more informed and involved in self-government, I believe the country could have a stronger political system. Although many Americans purport to be deeply politically involved, statistics from the Pew Research Center showed that only 37% of citizens aged 18 or older voted in the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections. If more Americans voted, our elected government would be more representative of the general population.


It is easy to see the concept of Checks on Governmental Power in the United States today, especially in the wake of former president Donald Trump’s multiple indictments and arrests for crimes allegedly committed in relation to the 2020 election and 2021 January 6th incident. Additionally, stories such as the Supreme Court striking down President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan provide ample examples for checks and balances being used in the government today.


One value of free expression that I feel may be facing difficulty today is the idea of Promoting Tolerance. While I agree with the sentiment that protecting hate speech helps society determine appropriate behavior, I worry that today, society may be losing sight of what should be considered acceptable speech. Political speech, by both citizens and candidates, seems to be becoming increasingly strange and disrespectful, so I hope that the country can return to a more civil habit of political speech.


Each value of free expression is crucial to the freedom of citizens and the limited power of the government. Without any one value of free expression, the government could infringe upon the rights of citizens. To ensure they fight for and utilize their rights, the people must stay well-informed about their afforded freedoms, and confront any violations of such rights. America is a country built on freedom, which is insured by our history of documents and decisions recording specific rights and responsibilities.

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